幕墻是建筑的外墻圍護,不承重,像幕布一樣掛上去,故又稱為“帷幕墻”,是現代大型和高層建筑常用的帶有裝飾效果的輕質墻體。由面板和支承結構體系組成的,可相對主體結構有一定位移能力或自身有一定變形能力、不承 ...
幕墻是建筑的外墻圍護,不承重,像幕布一樣掛上去,故又稱為“帷幕墻”,是現代大型和高層建筑常用的帶有裝飾效果的輕質墻體。由面板和支承結構體系組成的,可相對主體結構有一定位移能力或自身有一定變形能力、不承擔主體結構所用作用的建筑外圍護結構或裝飾性結構。 Curtain wall is the exterior wall enclosure of the building, not load-bearing, hanging like a curtain, so it is also called "curtain wall", which is a light wall with decorative effect commonly used in modern large and high-rise buildings.Composition of panel and supporting structure system, the main structure can have a certain displacement ability or has a certain deformation ability, do not assume the role of the main structure. 幕墻是利用各種強勁、輕盈、美觀的建筑材料取代傳統的磚石或窗墻結合的外墻工法,是包圍在主結構的外圍而使整棟建筑達到美觀,使用功能健全而又安全的外墻工法。簡言之,是將建筑穿上一件漂亮的外衣。幕墻范圍主要包括建筑的外墻、采光頂(罩)和雨篷。 Curtain wall is the use of a variety of strong, light, beautiful building materials to replace the traditional masonry or window wall combined external wall method, is surrounded in the periphery of the main structure so that the whole building to achieve beautiful, the use of sound functions and safe external wall method.In short, to put the building on in a beautiful coat.Curtain wall scope mainly includes the exterior wall of the building, lighting roof (cover) and awning. 那么酒店屬于人流聚集的公共場所,有些酒店內部布局狹長而深邃,對于內外墻幕墻裝飾板的防火防水等性能就尤為重視。所以在挑選材料時,佛山市萬慶物資有限公司提醒大家要注意材料的抗火耐熱性、耐腐耐磨性等等方面,而我司的金屬不銹鋼PET覆膜鋼板是適合做酒店幕墻裝飾板的。 Then the hotel belongs to the public place where people gather, some hotels' internal layout is long and deep, and pay special attention to the fire and waterproof performance of the internal and external wall curtain wall decoration board.So in the selection of materials, Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. reminds everyone to pay attention to the material fire resistance, wear resistance and so on, and our metal stainless steel PET coated steel plate is suitable for the hotel curtain wall decoration board. 金屬不銹鋼PET覆膜鋼板用于內外墻裝飾板有平面、立面、絨面、浮雕、壓花等等飾面種類,色調也是各有千秋。在挑選中,需要結合整體的建筑布局,考慮好造型的切割和拼接等多方面的問題。 Metal stainless steel PET coated steel plate is used for interior and exterior wall decorative plate has plane, facade, suede, relief, embossing and other decorative types, color also has its own merits.In the selection, it is necessary to combine the overall building layout, consider the shape of cutting and splicing and other problems. 例如酒店廣泛用的木紋金屬覆膜鋼板: 基板:不銹鋼 SUS304 SUS201 SUS430 SUS316 厚度: 0.3mm~1.5mm 寬度: 1000mm~1250mm For example, wood grain metal coated steel plate is widely used in hotels: Substrate: stainless steel, SUS304, SUS201, SUS430, SUS316 Thickness: 0.3mm~1.5mm Width: 1000mm~1250mm 具有逼真細膩的觸感,溝壑分明不一的特殊紋理,表面可隨意上漆擁有多種色彩,具有一定的彎曲性,滿足復雜造型的需求,還有防火、防潮、防霉、防蟲蟻等優異性能,做到了不是木材卻優于木材,獨有的紋理使得外觀細致優雅,能夠做到代替石材、文化石和鋁塑板,使建筑更具有美感和親和力,是現今及未來建筑物內墻裝飾和翻新的不二選擇。 With realistic and delicate touch, ravines and different special texture, surface can paint with a variety of colors, has a certain bending, meet the needs of complex shape, and fire, moisture-proof, mildew, insect ants, it is not wood is better than wood, unique texture makes appearance elegant, can do instead of stone, stone and aluminum plate, make building more aesthetic and affinity, is the present and future building wall decoration and renovation of choice. |